
I grew up on a small farm in the nothern Czech countryside. Taking care of animals and vegetable and fruit garden was natural part of my everyday living till I left my home place for university studies.

I studied many different subjects at various universities (for more see my BIO) but one of the most important was the Enviromental Sociology. There I was introduced to wider phylosophical and scientific basement of ecology and permaculture. Important part of the study were practical excursions to various farms and nature-protecting institutions and discussions with experts which strongly inspired me.

In 2008 and 2009 I studied with the dance master Min Tanaka in Japan where the dance was considered a spiritual (Zen) practice and was strongly connected to farming lifestyle. I was training my body and mind there intensively and at the same time worked at Min Tanaka’s organic farm. The deep spiritual and social background of gardening, crafts and organic farming were uncovered to me there.

Between 2010 and 2014 I traveled around the world and studied traditional agriculture and practices of self-sufficiency and permaculture from various individual and communities in New Zealand, Japan (here including studies with Masanobu Fukuoka students), Malaysia, India, Vietnam and Eastern Europe (see the section ETNOGRAPHY for a travel video). Then, following two years, I was putting new knowledge in practice at a little farm created in Romanian mountains (previously in Nagano in Japan) - see the movie below.

In 2016 I already gathered such amount of experiences that allowed me to reach independency on modern consume system. Since then I have been developing more sensitive ways in farming and in “using” the nature, connecting the farm-work and permaculture with my Zen and yoga practice. A garden is now for me more a space of a deep connection and communication with nature and land rather than a place and instrument of achieving self-sufficient and intentionally-ecological goals.